Tips: Searching Google
Google works by finding keywords in the search that you have done. The easiest method is by writing the question you want answered in the search field. Based on the responses you could changes the way your question is worded to get better results. A lot of the time when you are searching you may have the wrong terminology which can make finding the answer to your question a little more troublesome.
For example, if you were wanting to save your information to a hard drive you might search "Save information to a hard drive" which will definitely come up with some results, but if I am more specific with my terminology and use "Backup" instead of "save" I may get better results. Also putting in some parameters on how you will be searching. For example, I might be on a Mac or windows computer, which can narrow the options for how you backup.
Another quick way to find information is to add 'How to' to your google search. This tends to result in things like YouTube videos which then show you how to complete the task in video format rather than written step by step instructions.
Mark H gave some great QuickByte information sessions that you can search through from the Digital Learning Homepage / QuickBytes.